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“Competition happens at the bottom. The people at the top are Collaborating.”
 ~Samuel Otigba 
You Don't Have to Pay for Ads to Grow....
If you’ve ever been part of a collaboration or JV promotion, you know how quickly they can grow your email list and sales, all without having to run ads.

Plus, it quickly positions you as the authority in your niche to a brand new audience.

It’s why you always see the people at the top collaborating with each other… because unlike paid ads, the traffic you get comes with a recommendation from someone they trust.

That trusted referral makes ALL the difference.

They're far more likely to opt-in, join, or buy if someone they trust says they should.

AND, you know that you're getting in front of the RIGHT people.

🤔 But how do you find the right people to collaborate with?

🤔 How do you make sure it’s not a waste of your time?

🤔 And what should the collaboration look like?

That's EXACTLY what you'll learn in the Grow With Collabs Summit!

Not only will you learn how to find people to collaborate with, you'll hear about several successful collaborations you could do with a step-by-step breakdown on how to do them in your own business!
Save Your Seat Now!
Free for a limited time! 🎉 Includes a free Goodie Bag! 🎉
Save My Seat! >>>
Summit Runs August 21-23, 2023. Can't make it live? You'll have an opportunity to get replays after you sign up!
Here's What You'll Learn at the Summit:
How to Create More Connections, Clients and Cash Using Napkins, Cereal Boxes and Road Signs
These methods have helped Blake book 9 TEDx Talks, get over 1000 paid speaking opportunities and just create cool friendships over time, in business.
Blake Fly
Instagram Stories Takeovers
Grow your Audience, Build your List and Sell with this Instagram Stories Collaboration Strategy
Tracy Harris
Design the Perfect Collab
Learn the exact process Toni uses with private consulting clients to find & design the perfect business collabs that are a win-win for both you AND your collab partners!
 Toni Bache
Simple but Effective Collabs
Learn several different fast & easy collabs that get big results with tiny efforts.

 Jamie Bright
Collaborative Interview Content
Learn the exact process Jerry uses with his live interview show to create high-quality, collaborative videos & audio that get him in front of the guest's audience WAY longer.
Jerry Potter
No-Pitch JV Launches
Learn how Catherine doubled her launch results when she switched from a traditional JV Launch to a no-pitch JV Launch strategy, and how you can do it, too!
 Catherine Watkin
Choosing the RIGHT Colllab Partners
Mindy shares the process she uses with her agency clients to find & select collab partners and ambassadors that are diverse, aligned, and create win-win results for everyone.
 Mindy Lundy Kramer
The Secret Power of Blog Collabs
Akilah shares not only why you NEED to be using blog collabs, but how they allow her to get in front of the big audiences of businesses and celebs like Tyler Perry.
 Akilah Thompkins-Robinson
10 Days of Giveaways
How Sandra ran a 10 Day Giveaway event to grow her email list from 0 to 850 with no paid ads!

Sandra Julian
Easy Book Collabs
Diane shares how her 6 Book Collabs have lead to email list growth, visibility, and authority and helped her & her contributors become an Amazon Best Sellers.
Diane Cunningham Ellis
How to Keep Track of Relationships
Summer shares her process for consistently nurturing & connecting with the relationships that matter most so you never forget to follow up with a potential client or partner!
Summer Slevin
Monetize Your Collabs with Evergreen Funnels
Scott shares how creating an evergreen funnel allows you to monetize your collaborations between launches.

Scott Paley
🎉 Did someone say
"Free Goodie Bag?!?"
Yeah, there's a Goodie Bag.

And it's good. Like, REALLY good.

Like it should be with a name like "Goodie Bag".

Here's a few things you *might* see in this Free Goodie Bag...
  • Proven, Word-for-Word Scripts & Templates from several speakers for things like how to approach potential partners to suggest a collab & get on their radar in the first place, for proposals, plus how to do heart-centered sales conversations so that you never have to wonder what to say or worry about saying the wrong thing and losing the collab opportunity!

  • A free notion template for tracking your relationships so you never forget to nurture your connections or follow up with someone important!

  • The easiest way ever to create short-form video in 5 min or less, even if you're allergic to creating short-form video.

  • An Instagram Stories Takeover Blueprint so you can do them with ease

  • Event Marketing Planner to make sure that you promote your collabs, products, and events successfully

  • Ideas for content, a magazine template, a bundle of tools to help you get started with evergreen, and more, making it EASY to create & monetize your collabs!
...All FREE when you attend the Summit!
Can't attend live Aug 21-23? No worries... you can get the replays after you sign up!
Plus... we have Bonuses!

The bonuses have not been revealed yet... and some of them need to be "unlocked" (so you'll probably want to read to the end of every email you get)...

...and we might have some secret prizes, too.

I'm sure they'll be worth a bajillion dollars. So this free ticket is really a great deal!

Just kidding!!!!!

I'm not going to insult you by putting fake dollar amounts on these things to try and prove "what a good deal" this is for you.

If you've been selling online for any amount of time, I'm sure you just see through that anyways.

And I'm all about ethical marketing.


Speaking to your audiences' Brightest Self and trusting that they will know what is best for them and not need a shit ton of bonuses and fabricated value to convince anyone.

So if you're still reading, and you love the idea of growing your audience, sales, and authority WITHOUT having to run any ads (and getting to meet amazing people while you do it!) then sign up for the summit and you'll see for yourself.

These are actionable sessions where people actually break down the step-by-step process, warn you of any mistakes, and tell you the most key element to making sure you're successful.

So come join us.

Grab your ticket now.

And then actually make an intention to show up and participate.

Because here's what I know to be true.

I've done a TON of collabs in my 12+ years of having a full-time online biz.

I grew to $700k on collabs and organic growth strategies alone before using ads to scale even more.

And even I picked up several really helpful takeaways from these speakers that I'll be implementing in my own business going forward, so this is NOT just for new entrepreneurs.

It'll work for anyone, but it's especially powerful for people who already have an audience and a core offer that is making you 6-figs or more.

So sign up, show up, and then implement like the bright entrepreneur you are!

Have Questions?
I've got answers. Let's see if they match.
Is this only for Newer Entrepreneurs?
Not at all. These strategies will work for anyone at any level in their biz.

That being said, it's easier to find good collab partners if you already have an established biz of multi-6 or 7 figures and are already known for something. Because once you have an offer that converts, all you need to do to scale is get more traffic. Collabs are a FANTASTIC source of traffic when you do them well, and you can attract bigger collab partners if you have more to give them in return.

My goal in putting this summit together was to create something that the high-level entrepreneurs in my Mastermind would find useful.

It's less about "why" you should collaborate and it's all about learning what's actually working for people and exactly HOW they did it.

It's more like a mastermind share than a marketing pitch (there's none of that).

This summit is designed so that it will help you grow, whether you're just starting out, or you're fully established and are seen as an expert in your niche. It's just a lot easier to do them when you've got a team to help and your business all set up and run, though it's totally possible to do this when you're just starting out as well.
Are the sessions streamed live?
No. I'm the mom of 6 kids, and there's NO WAY I could promise it'd go smoothly if these were live. We've pre-recorded them, and they will be available to watch for 48 hours after they go live (or upgrade your ticket and get recordings), so you can watch them at your convenience.
Can I get longer access to the Sessions?
Absolutely. After you register for your free ticket, you will have the option to upgrade to a paid ticket where you'll get the replays for ongoing access to the recordings, an audio version to take on the go, and an Implementation Playbook with written summaries of each session + step-by-step implementation steps to refer to when you're ready to put the sessions into action.
Is it worth the time?
If I'm honest, I didn't expect to learn a lot from the sessions myself because I've done so many collabs in the past, but even so, I found a few takeaway that were worth all the MANY MANY MANY hours I've put into this summit. So yes, I do believe that you'll find something valuable if you take the time to watch.

That being said, if you'd like to get the summaries, a step-by-step Implementation Playbook for each session, and an audio version you can take with you to listen to on the go so you don't HAVE to watch every session (oh, and all the replays too), you can upgrade to a paid ticket after registering and save yourself even more time. Then you can read that and just go back and listen to the ones that you want to dive into deeper.
What's the Summit Schedule?
The Summit starts at 6am Central time on August 21 and goes through August 23rd. You'll get an email each day with a link to the new set of videos, which will be released at 6am (convert to your time zone here), and you'll have access to them to watch for free for 48 hours, or you can upgrade after registering to get the Replays + Audio Sessions + Implementation Playbook and have continued access after the summit is over.
Where will I watch the Sesssions?
Each day you'll get a link via email to a private page where you can watch the sessions.
Is there an Audio version I can listen to on the go?
All of the sessions have been converted to audio and can be listened to on your favorite podcast player. This is a premium feature and only available if you upgrade your ticket after registering.
What about Transcripts & Captions?
YES. All sessions have the full transcripts and captions available.
Is there a Facebook Group to join?
How can I connect with the Speakers?
You'll get all the speakers' information in the Goodie Bag, along with a free gift from them.

It'd also be SUPER awesome if you shared your takeaways from the Summit each day on Instagram using #GrowWithCollabs so that the speakers can hear how impactful it has been for you.
Do all the speakers get my email address?
No. You'll only get emails from the speaker if you have expressly signed up for their email lists or opted-in to get your Goodie Bag gift from them! I never give your email address to anyone!

You will get emails from me, Jamie Bright of Brighter Together, but you can unsubscribe at any time if they aren't your thing.
Do you think Paid Ads are bad?
Not at all. Paid ads can be a great amplifier of what you're already doing. I've spent multiple 6-figures on them in the past and have had a positive ROI on my adspend. I recommend buying Amanda Bond's Ad Course if you'd like to learn how to run these well. She's a genius at them.

That being said, I think the place to START growing your audience and getting traffic is Collabs BEFORE ads, and then eventually doing both. I'd honestly never stop collaborating, even when you do have ads running.

Why? Because of the trust that comes with traffic from collabs. It's better traffic and you generally get better results from it.

Plus, it gives you a reason to connect with people and grow. I truly believe We are Brighter Together, and collabs is just another way to create win-win-win scenarios that help everyone grow.
Hi, I'm Jamie!
I'm your host for the Grow With Collabs Summit, and I'm grateful to meet you.
I've always been a natural connector and community builder because frankly, I care about people.

I genuinely want to see you succeed and live the life you truly want (not just live the status quo), and I may not even know you.

I'm heart-centered, so I care more about the people that I've connected to than about money.

This means that I've sometimes been hesitant to ask someone for help (that's an understatement!) or to see if they want to collaborate with me.

But collaborations, when done right, actually help GROW your relationship and can provide even deeper bonds.

That's part of why I am hosting this summit.

Because if you're anything like me (and you probably are since you either came from my world or from a recommendation from one of the heart-centered speakers in the summit), you care more about preserving the relationship than about the biz gains.

I want you to know how to confidently create collaborations that STRENGTHEN your relationships and form deeper bonds, not hurt them.

I want you AND the people you collaborated with AND your audiences to form win-win-win collabs that help everyone grow.

Because here's what I know to be true.

We are Brighter Together.

When we promote each other,
encourage each other,
support each other,
share our expertise with each other,
help each other,
care for each other,
and truly want the best for each other,
there's no limit to the impact or income we can have.

My deepest hope is that you'll attend the summit,
watch the sessions,
tell a friend or two about it too,
implement what you learn, and
see incredible growth in your biz and impact because of it.

I also hope that you'll find a few speakers to follow that maybe you didn't know before. They are incredible people and were invited because they are really good at what they do (and they have the heart to match!)

And when you're ready, if you're looking for an intimate mastermind group where you can share expertise and knowledge and collaborate together, I hope you'll check out the Brighter Together Mastermind that I host.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the summit, share takeaways at #GrowWithCollabs, and that in the future you measure time as "before the summit" vs "after the summit" because of the impact it has on your business and life.

Founder & CEO of We Are Brighter Together
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